Snake Oil Song

Herzog Presenting our Short Films to reflect on Tourism

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Published on Jun 5, 2020

Two of our team members have had their shorts selected by Herzog to showcase as a part of an effort to reflect on tourism in a time when the nature of travel has been called into question. "I've been very skeptical about tourism, in particular mass tourism that has had adverse effect on cultures and societies," he says.

In May Herzog invited followers of Inkaterra to watch his Peruvian films online, and now he presents our Peruvian short films.

Micah Van Hove's Del Arco Vacío and Juan Pablo Caballero's Spacewalkers are both playing on Inkaterra's website this month, as well as shorts by Aqsa Altaf, Pablo Radice, Quentin Lazzarotto, Felipe López Gomez, Santiago Arriaga and Geronimo Tonaoira. Check the viewing program and listings here: