World Tree

Invest in World Tree for $1,250 - help us reach the Magic Million

employee @ World Tree

Published on Jun 9, 2020

Have you been thinking about investing in World Tree, but not sure if you have the budget for a full acre? Or perhaps you have already invested and are thinking about topping up.

The financial hardships of COVID have made it difficult for some people to stretch to a full acre investment. In addition, we have some Canadian friends who want to invest but the exchange rate is not in their favor.

With this in mind, we have temporarily reduced the minimum investment to $1,250 USD which will fund half an acre of trees. This will apply until all our “early bird acres” are funded and we have raised $1 million.

We only have about 50 acres left to go until we reach that important milestone - so if you would like to take advantage of this half acre for half the price window, now is the time.

If you have already invested - and want to support us - please share our campaign with your friends or invite them to the upcoming LIVE event with our CEO Doug Willmore.

Hold onto your hats - TEXANs can now Invest in World Tree

Yeeeee-ha! We are thrilled to let you know that our Offering is now available in Texas. Thank you to all our patient Texan friends who have been waiting for this to happen.

Investor Shout-Out

We love it when people share comments on why they invested in World Tree. A huge THANK YOU to Scott Anderson, owner of Artisan Dental, for his lovely comments:

Our family is very attracted to the World Tree program's ability to create multi-dimensional impact! Ecologically, we are heartened by a variety of benefits: (air quality improvement, biodiversity enhancement, carbon sequestration, habitat creation, land preservation, flood control enhancement, water quality improvement). Socially, it supports farmers and empowerment for local people around the world. Economically, it supports job creation, economic growth throughout the distribution and supply chain and increases the likelihood of providing financial sustainability for farmers, investors and World Tree.

We are also delighted to support the vision and creativity of the World Tree team and the private sector's ability to create solutions to global challenges!

The Three P's of Paulownia - Meet World Tree CEO Doug Willmore - LIVE

Join World Tree CEO Doug Willmore on Thursday for a LIVE conversation on “The Three P’s of Paulownia” on Thursday 11th June at 12 noon PST/ 3pm EST.

In this conversation with Doug, you will learn:

  • What the three P's are and how they relate to Paulownia
  • Why knowledgeable investors have been talking about trees for decades
  • How Paulownia (Empress Splendor) is filling a niche in the lumber market
  • How World Tree is addressing 7 of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals
  • Why private, for-profit companies are essential to reversing climate change

Register for this LIVE event here.

Liked by Gloria S, Andrew Bushnell, Alfredo Nava, and 7 others