
Measuring What Matters

founder @ Brightest

Published on May 27, 2020

One of thing we consistently hear talking to partners and customers is requests for help with social impact measurement, sustainability analysis, and data simplicity.

That's why we're jazzed to announce new upgrades to Brightest Analytics (now live) AND a new beta program.

Brightest Analytics 2.0 ️️📊
Brightest Analytics is now faster (thanks React.js), simpler to use, and more comprehensive, with new metrics, data segmentation cuts, and historical data views.

NEW BETA / PILOT PROGRAM - Custom Metrics 👩🏽‍🔬

While our new analytics upgrade gives organizations lots of ways to track and measure social impact, we also know many are struggling to track and report on less traditional and more personalized data, like masks created, meals donated, or LCA or environmental footprint-based sustainability measures. That's why we're launching a new beta to test and pilot custom metrics, which lets you customize your own measurement system inside Brightest.

We're always looking for constructive feedback and beta testers, so if you you're connected to an organization (or want to nominate one) who might be interested in co-designing this phase of the platform with, please get in touch here: