Tribe Pilot

We see positive movement

founder @ Tribe Pilot

Published on May 13, 2020

About March 14th we watched our user downloads and upgrades essentially disappear due to the panic that overtook the country.  Over the past few weeks the user behavior is shifting to the positive.  Though it is still too early to tell without a few weeks of trailing history, we are seeing our in-app purchases trickling back in at encouraging levels. 

With a few consecutive weeks of sustained upward trend we will add in some marketing spend and accelerate the growth.  See chart below tracking monthly recurring revenue by week since January 1.  Our best week was last week and we are seeing a similar trend this week.  

In short we like the progress we are making.  Through the shelter in place period we have released 3 pretty significant upgrades and new features.  Historically, with every new release like these, we also see a corresponding increase in the number of new users that upgrade to pro.  In short we have used our time wisely and anticipate to be stronger coming out of C19 that were were going in! 

Thanks, be safe
Matt Smith

Liked by Jeff Lichner