Copperworks Distilling Co.

Hand Sanitizer Production

We never dreamed we'd be in the hand sanitizer business, but we’re excited that we have the equipment and knowledge to shift production from spirits to much-needed hand sanitizer. We have a column still that produces the main ingredient of sanitizer: neutral spirit (GNS) of 191 proof and we have production processes that could quickly be adapted for sanitizer. But it was a tough transition.

For the first three weeks, the federal regulations governing sanitizer production were changing daily, sometimes hourly. We received a huge number of urgent requests from the healthcare community, first-responders, frontline workers and employers, and more. And it was a constant race to get our hands on ingredients and packaging materials.

But it all came together. We’ve produced more than more 9,000 bottles (12 oz.) of hand sanitizer with an expected 200,000 more bottles to come out in the next several weeks.

Limited availability: with the huge demand and our limited supply, we're focused on selling and donating sanitizer to institutions and employers with critical need. We’re working as fast as we can to increase our inventory so we can offer sanitizer to the general public.