Aptera Motors

Over 1,000 Investors!!! And LOTS of Trees!!!

follower @ Aptera Motors

Published on Mar 22, 2020

We've got a LOT of support now and we are VERY appreciative!!!

We also planted a LOT of trees with the help or our investors. 134 to be exact. We planted one tree for each perk we sent out to offset shipping emissions. These perks went out to our investors that closed their investment on or before November 2nd. Also, we gave people the option of foregoing their perks so we could plant even more trees. Don’t worry if you closed your investment after November 2nd, we will send out more in April and put more trees in the ground as a result. #TeamTrees is a great way to offset your carbon footprint and they would love to have your support!

Thanks again for ALL the support! ONLY 9 days left to invest if you haven't yet!