tinyB chocolate

Our Customer Service Commitment

founder @ tinyB chocolate

Published on Jan 27, 2020

At tinyB, our commitment is our personal touch, and our outstanding project manager, Emily Millman, demonstrates that daily. Recently, another team member was headed off to FedEx with 300 pounds of brigadeiros and multiple ice packs, not knowing that in order to get our package to Florida via 2-day air, the package needed to be dropped off by 4:30pm. Emily researched an alternative option and found that, although expensive, traveling with 300 pounds of chocolate as check-in luggage would actually be slightly less expensive than FedEx-ing it. 

So, Emily bought a last minute ticket to Florida and hand delivered the tiny Brazilian desserts to the hotel the next day! It just goes to show our customer service commitment and how far we’ll go to make our deliveries on time!