Clean Air Lawn Care

We're Cleaning Up a Huge Industry

founder @ Clean Air Lawn Care

Published on Dec 5, 2019

When Clean Air Lawn Care was founded, the EPA estimated that 10-12% of air pollution came from small engines like those used in lawn care. Now it’s down to 5%, and we’re trying to drive it even lower by bringing solar-powered, zero-emission lawn care to communities across the US.

According to the EPA, a new gas-powered lawn mower produces as many volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxide emissions air pollution in one hour of operation as 11 new cars driving for one hour. This is an incredibly high amount of pollution for an industry that has high-quality gas alternatives like the electric equipment used by Clean Air Lawn Care franchise owners.

On top of taking air pollution out of lawn care, we're also creating healthier lawns with organic lawn treatments. Healthy, organically treated lawns sequester up to 4x what a chemically treated lawn can. So, when we combine organic lawn treatments with electric lawn equipment, we're forming a powerful tool to combat climate change.

It's clear that it's up to us to take action. And when it comes to slowing climate change, small steps can make a big impact. You can help us make a difference by investing in stock to help us accelerate growth and bring zero-emissions, organic lawn care to more communities across the country.