Skeptic Distillery

How we Cold Distill Whiskey from Beer

follower @ Skeptic Distillery

Published on Oct 24, 2019

At the link below is a short video on our Facebook page showing how we distill beer into whiskey on our pilot still.  The concept is proven, and we love to continue to tinker with recipes and to see what will yield the most interesting and tasty results.  Here we're distilling an imperial stout recipe into whiskey at around 150 Proof out of the still which equals a temperature under vacuum of approx. 89F.  

The purpose of this fund raise is so that we can build a far more elegant version of this pilot still to produce whiskeys like this at production level capacities.  We can literally make any spirit with this still at cold temperatures: whiskey, rum, vodka, etc.  The possibilities are limitless!