3rd Call Productions

'Code' Prinicipal Photography Complete!

follower @ 3rd Call Productions

Published on Jun 1, 2019


We are so happy to announce the wrap of our 2-day shoot for 'Code'. It was an amazing experience, with such an awesome crew and good vibes around this long event.

Led by 1st Assistant Director Blake Armstrong, the 3rd Call team sloughed through almost 20 pages of screenplay and got all the shots required to make a phenomenal movie. Stars Cherubim Abueme and Chris Cendana held up well throughout the long shoot, and Directors David Law and Aaron Little are now hard at work piecing together this new work.

'Code'- a short thriller about physician burn-out in a medical residency program. Already 2,000 followers on Facebook and buzzing all over physician social media pages. We have some exciting updates coming so please stay tuned! And thank you for all your support!

#3rdCallProductions #CodeMovie