TBJ Gourmet

2 Weeks In

founder @ TBJ Gourmet

Published on May 13, 2019

It’s been 2 weeks since we launched our capital raise and a lot has gone down.

The Campaign

Two weeks in we are at 90% to our goal $100,000 and we are only a third of the way through the campaign. We plan to keep it open and see where we can take it so please continue to share within your networks.

QVC Results Are In

We sold out of 2,200x 2 pack units of 140z Bacon Jam in 7 minutes on air. Bruce made the call to QVC to add 500 units to the pool and they sold out later that day. That is $81,000 in retail sales in 7 minutes. Bruce made a herculean effort to get all the units out the door over the course of a couple days.

New Customers

Since launching this campaign we have boarded 2 new distributors focused on specialty restaurants and have a 3rd in the funnel. And we have already 30 restaurants adding our bacon jam to their menus! Additionally we have picked up 50 new independent retail customers and 30 units of a regional grocery chain which will be announced soon. I’m in Chicago today connect with our regional sales team and meet with some grocery chains and a specialty distributor. The results will be in the next update.


Revenue is up 13% over last year YTD, but we expect that number to creep up throughout the year as we on board new customers and launch new marketing initiatives. While we have not closed the campaign yet the response you have all given us has emboldened us to make the moves we know are right, but may not have been able to go for sans investors. Thank you all!

Liked by Frank Dunbar, Kevin Beck, Patti Beadles, and 10 others