Invest in Sous Chef Studio

The autonomous, countertop robotic chef



of a $50,000 goal
Future Equity
 $8M  $6M valuation cap
Early Bird Bonus: The first $50K of investments will be in a SAFE with a $6M valuation cap


*Massive* opportunity: >1B upper-middle class households globally
Provides a sustainable food-prep solution to families with food allergies
Helps every-day-families work around skyrocketing restaurant & delivery expenses
CTO has shipped >$10M in hardware products

Featured Investors

Our Team

Why Sous Chef Studio?

Sous Chef Studio is reinventing food preparation with an affordable autonomous robotic chef for homes around the world.  

Our robotic kitchen appliance, the size of a larger microwave, will autonomously prepare fresh meals from scratch for a family of 5. Interchangeable tools and ingredient bins allows for creation a variety of scratch-made meals. Powered by the latest advances in AI, computer vision, and robotics, Sous Chef Studio gets delicious and nutritious food on the table without users having to make it.

We are a founding team of roboticists and VC-backed entrepreneurs with multiple exits, and experience from tech giants to robotics startups, like Google, Samsung, BAE Systems, and Carbon Robotics.

With 2.2B + families around the globe, and 400M (source) in the growing upper-middle class, there is a significant opportunity for Sous Chef Studio to claim. This is furthermore, an incredibly painful problem for households with multiple working parents who are strapped for time, yet need to feed their children. 

sous chef studio diagram
Preview of Sous Chef Studio design features

A quick snapshot of our current prototype:

Our Story: It started with a 6 month-old’s trip to the ER

When Matt and his wife gave their 6-month old son a tiny taste of peanut butter, they had no idea it would change the way they think about food forever. Matt’s son had a severe allergic reaction, and had to take an ambulance to the emergency room. After hours in the ER, Matt’s family faced the ramifications of a possible life-long peanut allergy.

Cross-contamination in factories and restaurants–even the tiny amounts for a 6-month old–can be a major health emergency. So, the Moore’s pivoted quickly to a life of making food exclusively at home to keep their son safe. Preparing every meal and snack at home was time-consuming to say the least. With two working parents, the Moore’s were constantly exhausted preparing cross-contamination-free foods from scratch for every mealtime. 

As a technologist and entrepreneur, Matt was struck by all the manual labor: we have to be able to automate fresh meal creation, right?

So Matt teamed up with Miles to design the Sous Chef Studio: A new kind of appliance that makes meals from scratch in just a few easy steps. The Sous Chef Studio at-home appliance can help prepare fresh, healthy, tasty home cooked food, and allows you to spend more time on what you love without sacrificing the quality of what you eat.

easy as 1, 2, 3

People are more busy than ever, and need help with nutritious meals 

It’s harder than ever for people to find the time to cook nutritious meals at-home. This is especially true for working families and adults, 80% of which are too tired to cook after work (source)

Our user research resulted in the following requirements:

  • Families don't need yet another kitchen device that helps with 50% of a meal's prep. They want to be saved from having to worry about a whole meal.
  • Fully remote and hybrid work environments make it so more family meals have to be prepared from home. They need multiple types of meals made in the same day.
  • Takeout and delivery aren't sustainable from a budget, nor health perspective. Using grocery ingredients is the only sustainable option.
  • Kids are incredibly picky, and freshly prepared versions of their favorites get them to eat.

Some specifics:

Zooming out, the problem is systemic:

Totally revolutionizing mealtime: disrupting restaurants, delivery, kitchen appliances, meal kits, and more 

Because of its ability to make complete meals from scratch, Sous Chef Studio has the opportunity to disrupt the many business involved in meal preparation, including the massive ones below:

Combined, businesses in these markets generate more than $1.2 trillion in annual revenue.

Current solutions to mealtime try to help customers by either being more convenient; however, that convenience comes at a large price. Delivery is the most expensive option, but it's still not always ready when you want it to be and probably cold / soggy as well. Fast food improves on the affordability, but still is much more expensive than cooking from scratch. Cooking semi-prepared foods like microwave dinners or air-fryer meals is cheaper but much less convenient.

Sous Chef Studio flips this on its head by using affordable grocery ingredients while also having the food ready exactly when you need it, without any of the work.

the most affordable and convenient solution to mealtime

That's what people want.

Highly Valuable, Highly Monetizable

Because every household spends so much time and money on food, the opportunity for Sous Chef Studio is large. Even a 10% share of the global market can generate $10's of billions in profit.

  • Total Addressable Market (TAM): 2.2B+ global households, as families everywhere need to eat.
  • Serviceable Available Market (SAM): 400M+ upper-middle-class households that can afford the Sous Chef device.
  • Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM): 20M+ households, with a long-term goal of capturing a 10% market share.

By implementing a “razor and razor-blades” business model, our customers first purchase our core product, and then additional tools (e.g., different prep tools for various ingredients) to expand their menu options.

Additionally, a designer-recipe store (an app store of sorts) allow the business to continue monetizing each unit on a daily basis. 

Business model given service obtainable market (SOM) * Forward-looking projections are not guaranteed

While the Sous Chef is initially designed as a consumer device, there is also an opportunity to iterate on the current design and evolve into a tool for use in offices, as vending machines, in commercial kitchens and at restaurants. This creates another huge market with a B2B line of products. 

The combination of the B2C, add-on business model, plus a future B2B product line means Sous Chef Studio has an opportunity for various revenue streams to generate rapid growth.    

Patentable Robotics Technology

The Sous Chef Studio has a robotic arm, spinning element, and heating element that all work together like a small-kitchen to create fresh meals from scratch. For different recipes, it has exchangeable raw ingredient bins and end-effectors. Components that are in direct contact with food are removable and dishwasher-safe to make cleanup a breeze. 

Proprietary features of the Sous Chef Studio appliance include:

  • Heating element - Can perform boiling, frying, and searing
  • Spinning element - Peels, chops vegetables and other raw ingredients
  • Robotic arm - Transports ingredients in a small, confined space
  • Camera - Recognizes different ingredients to successfully complete recipes
  • Exchangeable tools and ingredient bins - Allows users to easily switch between different style meals  
  • Mobile app - Monitor your meal prep and change recipes in an instant

Many elements of the Sous Chef Studio are patentable, allowing us to create a unique product that can’t be replicated by competitors.

The current prototype can extrude and boil noodles in 15 minutes. 

In case you missed it above, here it is:

Product Development & Fundraising Roadmap

* Forward-looking projections are not guaranteed

Why Are We Raising Money?

We’ve used our first round of funding to create our v1 and v2 prototypes, which has proven out the primary robotic capabilities and design concept. As we continue building the next iteration of our appliance, we seek to raise $150,000 to finalize our functional prototype, and complete our industrial design model ("looks-like" prototype).

Once we’ve built a fully-functional prototype and model, we will be raising an additional $4.5M at a higher valuation to start the manufacturing development and unit testing. After manufacturing is in place, we’ll be in a great spot to raise the $6M needed to produce and ship units. 

And thank you!
