Red Pill Medical, Inc.

Red Pill Medical Inc. the leader in medical CBD for patients prescribed by healthcare professionals.

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Red Pill CBD, created by physicians trusted by patients.
Opioid Crisis: The opioid epidemic has devastated public health in the US and abroad.
Over 46 people die every day from legally prescribed opioid painkillers in America.
RPM created proprietary clinically tested formulas that have been successful in getting patients off prescribed medicine

Our Team

Since I was a little boy I always felt that I was here for a great purpose. Over the years I have grown to know what that purpose is. There is so much beauty and love in this world and at the same time so much pain, suffering and deception. I believe it is the deception that is linked to most of this pain and suffering, at least in America. People are thirsty for the truth and truth is difficult to find these days. People want so badly to believe in something; a cause or a person and so often they are let down by people who deceive them.

