Propion AKA How to Slow Time, Inc

Replacing natural molecules created in your gut microbiome that decrease as you age

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Propion 1 can reverse age-and-diet associated immune cell dysfunction in the GI tract
Propion 2 increased animal lifespan in a study by 300%, higher than any other molecule
Recruited Dr. Daniel Winer, world expert in GI immune system, as cofounder and scientific director

Our Team

Change your aging process through the gut microbiome immune system

Propion will address the aging process with products that

1) Reduce immune cell dysfunction in the GI tract which naturally occurs with age or artificially as a result of the modern diet, and;

2) Improve mitochondrial lifespan by stabilizing the electron transport chain, reducing the number of free electrons that escape the chain to form reactive oxygen species which accumulate to damage the mitochondria, where energy is created for our cells. 

We are interested in specific molecules created by your gut microbiome that decrease as you age. These molecules, the main one of which we call PROPION 1™, can be replenished with a nutraceutical that we are selling as a proprietary blend.

A clinical trial on this blend turned up positive results, showing reduced biological age, improved sleep quality, increased short-term memory performance, reduced inflammation, and replenished levels of the longevity-enhancing PROPION molecules.

This funding will allow us to conduct expanded tests and quantify parameters like VO2Max, GLP-1, DNA methylation, and muscle cell synthesis, which'll allow us to make expanded advertising claims, in turn increasing the product value and return on investment!

Propion is already in discussion with companies that are interested in licensing this product, which we're calling Propion BLEND™. Investors in this round will be helping Propion generate that additional data that will sweeten the terms of those agreements for our company. Get in now before our valuation increases!

Longevity and gut microbiome are two of the most salient areas of scientific discussion today. Do we have to age like our parents did? Can we be healthy and active into our nineties? And critically, what does the gut microbiome have to do with it all? Research tells us the health of the gut is essential to the function of the entire body. 
