Visual-based communication for doctors to effectively assess patient condition
Our Team
LiteraSeed™ is bridging the gap so that communication stops being a barrier to life-saving care.
Miscommunication is a Leading Cause of Diagnostic Error
In early 2016, Aziza's 10 year-old relative lost her life while waiting to be seen by a doctor in the Emergency Department. Her condition was treatable and her death preventable. Proper communication could have saved her life.
Patients have the most context of their symptoms, but lack the medical knowledge to communicate and request the right service. Medical providers are limited to a brief snapshot of the symptoms based on a short remote observation and whatever the patient describes. LiteraSeed is bridging this gap.
LiteraSeed Brings Visuals-Based User Experience to Help Patients Communicate And Share the Full Picture with Doctors
We built LiteraSeed to be accessible and easy-to-use, and we aim to improve trust between patients and doctors. It improves the level of understanding using images and simple language, making it easier for patients to convey what’s wrong with them, which results in immediate and accurate care from doctors.
How It Works
Our product is meant to be simple and visual. We built an intuitive interface that helps our users communicate how they feel accurately and quickly. No one should be denied high-quality healthcare because of literacy barriers.
In Action:
This is an $84B opportunity
The market size of remote patient monitoring and patient engagement is $30B in 2020 and is expected to grow to $84B by 2028. With annual subscriptions, we save hospitals ~$5M/yr avoiding malpractice & increase revenue by improving customer satisfaction.
We started a pilot with Valleywise in July 2020 that covers over 400k patients across 17 facilities. Just days ago we confirmed another pilot with one of the largest healthcare providers in California, letting us reach ~2M more patients. We can't disclose the name yet.
LiteraSeed's founding team is the perfect combination of a clinician, a researcher, and a software engineer, bringing expertise in AI, product development, commercialization, and healthcare. It's advisors include a Clinical Professor at UCSF (University of California, San Francisco), a clinician in Valleywise, and a partnership with Virginia Tech.
What's Next
We anticipate roll-out of our platform to all patient populations, not only low English proficiency/low-literate communities, in our partner healthcare systems. We will launch to the ~2M patients across the two health systems and continue to expand to other hospitals.
Nobody should suffer harm nor be denied high-quality healthcare because of a communication barrier. We are committed to a world where anyone regardless of communication ability or language spoken can get the critical care that they need.
We aim to save 4,000 lives/year by reducing preventable deaths.