Invest in Open Secret

A film about one town's courage to confront the corruption that covered-up child abuse for decades

Friends Invest First
Public Launch on Oct 7 @ 10:00 AM ET
Custom Contract
Return of Capital & then 10% of profits
$2.5K, $5K, $20K, $50K, $100K


Director/Producer has won 75 film awards, including Locarno, Palm Springs, Deauville, NY, Heartland.
Worked with Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Stanley Kubrick, Drew Barrymore, Cole Hauser, Mira Sorvino.
Regal Cinemas, #2 national theater chain, interested in a US release from DC, NY across to CA.
Investment opportunity is: full return of Capital + 10% of profits.

Featured Investors

Our Team

Opportunity - A US theatrical release-could put this film in front of millions of people

What if you could make a film that actually inspires change? Empowers people to take action and hold corrupt individuals accountable, to start healing the scars?

Apogee Co-Founders, Tim Kennedy and Matt Beaudreau recently joined the cast of contributors to Open Secret. Tim is an MMA/UFC champion, Special Forces, Entrepreneur, husband and father - Matt is a global thought leader, TEDx Speaker, Disruptor, Educator, husband and father.

Together with director, Kerry David, they discuss a range of topics and land on how they saw a problem in the educational system and decided to act. The success and meteoric rise of their school franchise, Apogee only underscores how current educational systems are failing children. They support Open Secret's pursuit of justice and accountability and commend the few courageous residents of New Hanover County who challenged the corruption and cover-up culture that allowed for child predators to permeate their school district - for decades.

The trailer has over 15k views and attracted America’s #2 National theatre chain to express interest in releasing the film nationwide - based on the above trailer alone.

Our unreleased film, Open Secret, follows a handful of residents from New Hanover County, who courageously challenge decades of corruption and collusion that allowed for child predators to permeate their school district. The crimes date back generations.

Their united advocacy throughout our film was pivotal in forcing individuals who covered-up or denied multiple child sexual abuse cases to resign, or retire early amidst scandal. The power of "we the people" reiterates throughout Open Secret, and their courage will inspire you.

This is their story.

Our film's Director, Kerry David says; "The question I’m asked most often is, Why did you dedicate five years of your life to this film, what is it about this subject and these people?

The short, simple answer is that I am AGAINST corruption and collusion, and I am FOR courage and community. These words sum up Open Secret perfectly. I believe wholeheartedly in the advocates who dared greatly, against all odds to battle the cover-up culture. Their story deserves to be witnessed.

This is not a North Carolinian problem. It was a problem that happened IN North Carolina that appears to be systemic around the nation. Our overriding mission is for Open Secret the film, to become a conversation starter that helps to end child abuse in ALL schools - as a cautionary tale.

Documentaries have been used to drive awareness to millions of people globally, and they are having a resurgence.  Join us and be the change you want to see!

The estimated number of viewers was calculated by taking the theatrical revenue / $15 per ticket. Most ticket prices averaged $11 or less during this time period so the total audience is actually higher than shown above.

This has a dual impact

  1. Changemakers / the crowd / influencers take action which drives results.
  2. Millions of dollars flow from ticket sales of these films, subsequent film assets, to support the changes this film promotes.

Open Secret's Ingredients for Virality

We believe, by implementing our marketing and distribution plan, in raising these funds, Open Secret has all the ingredients for virality and impact.

One of the top reasons?

We believe 99.9999% of the world’s population thinks child abuse is wrong and that action should be taken to support victims and prevent future abuse. They just don't know how. THIS film provides the "how" — by investing in Open Secret, you're defending the future safety of children.

That is also a primary reason why over $270k has already been invested in Open Secret by the producers & investors. They know getting the finished film in front of viewers will drive change beyond just potential investor returns.

Traction - the unreleased film is already driving change

How's this for impact?

Many of the predators revealed in Open Secret have already been arrested or are in prison. While the film focuses on the courage of those who challenged a decades-long culture of silence and fear - their ultimate success is the pay off. We do show what happened to the predators and their enablers. It will be shocking to many.

Additionally, those who like to ruffle feathers, we know from reports back that there are many who truly fear the full release of Open Secret - many who had knowledge of these crimes over the years, who in some cases were court mandated reporters (who abandoned their duties). Those who betrayed the children, denied them when they turned to them for help, have removed themselves from places of power, or were forced to exit their positions. This is how powerful advocacy can be when those brave enough to do it, unite and confront.

We have over 300 hours of footage and continue investigating what happened as more people step forward to tell their stories.  This is probably ongoing ... but we are ready to finally reveal what we uncovered!

Our film lays out the facts as they were revealed to us for you to decide what happened. Pulizter Prize winning author and journalist, David Zuccino contributes, Tim Kennedy, Special Forces, Green Beret, Bronze Star Medal recipient, MMA/UFC champion, husband, father and Co-Founder of Apogee, contributes. Matt Beaudreau, global thought leader, educator, Stanford University's Corporate Trainer of the Year, husband, father and Co-Founder of Apogee with Tim, contributes. Experts in their field all weigh in with the voices from this community who rose up to challenge corruption.

We feel very strongly that we have compiled enough evidence for you to consider whether or not they knowingly participated in the corruption and collusion that caused so much pain in New Hanover County.

Our Solution - Release Open Secret!

Here's the trailer, this is just the tip of the iceberg

A few short clips from the film

We’re planning to release the edited film (aka “final release”) theatrically first, then in every viable format our impressive networks will allow, to ensure parents, children and educators across America sees it. More on this strategy below, but first let's discuss existing success with funding.

Funding to Date

The founders have already contributed $254k as owners in the film + $22k on a debt basis.

This funding supported the development, research and filming of the documentary to date, which is why the filming is already 80% done.

When you think of films as an investment the allure is the potential of a vital hit that breaks all revenue records-but it also comes with risk. We have mitigated some of the highest risks involved with filmmaking in the following ways:

  1. Many films never make it through filming, it’s one of the more risky aspects of the venture. Ours has only 20% left to film.
  2. We have traction with the #2, National theatre chain, Regal Cinemas. Based on the extended trailer alone (above), they expressed an interest in releasing the film across the US, holding Q&A's with select audiences at various screenings during the roll out. While this is not a 'done deal' just having such support so early in the process is unprecedented for our veteran filmmaker.
  3. Our producing team’s deep network of contacts in distribution, podcasting, news media, and social impact partners puts us ahead of most documentaries at this stage.
  4. We have 15k+ viewers and counting, of the trailer through word of mouth marketing only, no ad spend, and no PR announcement around its release.

We already have requests for interviews with the filmmakers about this film - again, before we have even finished our film. People want tools to end child abuse in schools. This film is a compelling film on its own merits, and a powerful tool as we embark on a journey to help end child seual abuse in ALL schools.


If we break down our ask, all we need to succeed with this raise is for 550 investors who care about child safety, who want ALL sexual abuse and systemic discrimination in schools to end, to invest $1,000 in the film. That’s it.

Fact: How do predators thrive? They rely on us to look away, deny their existence. This is how we unwittingly play into the hands of predators. It's how they thrive.

We acknowledge sexual abuse and systemic discrimination are uncomfortable topics for most people - they should be - they're heinous subjects. But what happens if we all continue to look away? Are we not as culpable as those on and off school grounds, who knew the children were in peril, but who didn’t want to get involved? Those who kept the same secrets that bound this community to silence and fear for generations? It's time to speak up and we're providing you the vehicle to do so by investing in Open Secret.

Will you be as courageous as our existing investors and the advocates we document in our film who challenged these powerful institutions? They did their part, now let’s do ours …. help us share their story with the world. As a cautionary tale, as a road map for change.

How will the raised funds be spent? In a nutshell, we will fund the last 20% of production and crew costs, photo and clip licensing, music, graphics and legal. Then we will hire an impact partner - this team works with us to advise which cities and towns across America will want to see this film and get us those screening locations - and fund the awareness campaign as we roll out the film.

Global Release Plan

We aim to get this film in front of millions of people across the world.

This is not a donation. We are offering you the chance to be an angel investor or even co-producer (for investors at a greater level), of this film. Meaning if the film's message gets out as far as we plan for it to reach, then we'll be net profitable, and you will receive a return on your investment. A marker that denotes our film's successful impact in the world. We want our impact to be as effective in ending sexual assault in schools, as "The Sound of Freedom" was in exposing human trafficking.

The more investors who come on board at this stage, the wider our network becomes for our release. This is why we ask for a minimum investment of $1,000 and invite a friend to invest alongside you. It's a community raise to improve communities.

How are Investor Returns Structured?

We are raising up to $550k in this round. Here's how we've budgeted the Use of Funds.

There are $20k in loans & a max of $530k projected remaining expenses to be paid.

Here’s how you as an investor share in revenue and profits assuming the entire $550k is raised.

  • Production Costs paid via the Budget from investor capital in this round
  • + existing capital contributions from founders.

After the actual budget is paid, here’s how revenue and profits flow.

1st, Return Capital

As revenue comes in, we return capital to those who have put in equity capital, up to $784k ($234k + $550k)

For every $100,000 in revenue

  • (~29.8%) $29,847 to founders’ equity capital in
  • The majority (~70.2%), $70,153 to investors

Payouts occur quarterly & start once $1,000 in revenue is generated.

2nd, Split Profits

We split profits per ownership in the film.

This is based on the size of your investment. You share pro rata (in proportion with others) with the $550,000 in equity capital.

  • $550k is worth 10%
  • $275k is worth 5%
  • and so on

Traditional Release Model and the Shift to Streaming:

Studio films traditionally relied on theatrical releases with costly P&A (prints and advertising) expenses, often double the film's budget. The rise of streaming platforms has changed this, allowing films to be released both in theaters and online simultaneously, significantly reducing distribution costs through digital assets.

Independent Films and Theatrical Releases:

For independent filmmakers, a theatrical release is still the "holy grail," offering an immersive experience on the big screen. However, extended theatrical runs are often financially unfeasible due to the high costs of travel, promotion, and marketing. Filmmakers typically can't dedicate the time needed for an extended, nationwide support.

Our Unique Approach with "Open Secret":

"Open Secret" is breaking this mold. Our producer/director is committed to supporting the film’s release across 1,000 theaters nationwide, ranging from 99 to 1,000-seat venues. Even if the film screens in 1,000 theaters that average conservatively 200 seats at $15 per ticket, it would gross $3 million—against a budget of under $800K, offering a solid return on investment.

Additional Revenue Streams:

This estimated model excludes potential income from larger venues, event screenings, streaming rights, DVD/BluRay sales, educational licensing, sponsorships, and such ancillary revenue streams.

The Director’s Unique Commitment:

Our filmmaker's dedication to this project in the long term, is driven by her passion for ending sexual abuse in ALL schools, over her passion for developing her next film.

Why Investment Matters:

Raising funds through this investment will ensure "Open Secret" reaches as many communities as possible, promoting child safety. While no ROI is guaranteed, this plan offers a strong opportunity for success with both financial and social impact.

Additional profits beyond the movie

Any profits generated from the movie, after its distribution, are also shared with investors. The film itself, is an Intellectual Property (IP) It may have an after life by becoming the underlying rights to a feature film, a docuseries, a book, a made-for-TV film - based on our film and any unused footage.

What other distribution methods could potentially bring Open Secret to 10m+ viewers?

In the past, our primary producer has distributed previous films through: MGM, 20th Century Fox, Lionsgate Films, Hallmark, Lifetime, Amazon, and HBO (now Max).

Let's share a few possible scenarios in order of priority

Previously successful documentaries that have taken similar approaches to generate millions of dollars in revenue.

*The above amounts are from theatrical revenue. When a streamer such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon or similar, licenses or purchases a title, that would be additional revenue streams. As would any ad-revenue from streamers we release through.

**Not all streamers/distributors reveal how much they pay to license or buy a title.

Most documentaries are not break out successes. Many fail.  While we can’t guarantee success, this is not our 1st rodeo. Projects our lead producer has completed, have generated in excess of $90m not including streaming numbers.  

While our initial conversations with Regal Cinemas have been exciting, it is not a done deal until the film has been finished and they have seen the final product. However, they were interested enough, at this early stage, to share a potential release plan with us. Starting in D.C., then NY and across the country ending in CA. Their idea was to have Q&A’s with audiences across the united states after select screenings, and town-hall meetings across the country, community involvement wherever there is interest. They understand the importance of dragging this ugly topic out into the light and exposing it. So we can deal with it head on, and prevent it from ever happening again. We'll have experts as well as individuals who appear in Open Secret at some of those select screenings and Q&A's. Together with local influencers, podcasters, influencers, the community can come together to implement safe-guards for their children in each town and city we play.

On top of that, we are stacking the distribution tactics that our producer has used successfully in her 20 year+ career in film and rolling in our entire producing teams’ influence. This includes major podcasts, reaching millions of people, to make sure those impacted by this film are heard and that victims’ perpetrators - and those who enable them - cannot hide anymore.

Open Secret’s Film Style Fits Growing Content Trends

Open Secret is by definition, user generated content - it’s not a film influenced by any studio for any particular outcome. It's authentic and gritty. User generated content is the fastest growing, most widely consumed content by audiences under 50. As we mentioned earlier, documentaries are clearly having their moment. We plan to make the most of this information to attract the widest audience.

Why user generated content (UGC) is as popular as it is today is debatable. We believe it is a craving for open, honest and authentic content. In a time of hazy facts, a.i. and deep fakes, documentaries have the ability to cut through the noise. Our access to insiders and outsiders gives this film a fair and balanced accounting of the events that were explored. We have open access to those directly involved and impacted by what transpired. First hand interviews, that elicit honest emotions, which are deeply impactful. Audiences are smart. They want the facts because they want to make their own minds up before they act! They respond well to authenticity and facts. We deliver.

Due to these trends, there are creators // influencers on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, X, and others who have even larger followings than major news networks and they built that viewership in a shorter period of time than these news networks.

Open Secret’s film style overlaps with these trends which is one reason we believe our trailer has 15k+ views and counting already (organic views, word of mouth, zero ad spend). Imagine the impact once we apply ad spend. It’s also another reason why we believe once people get to see the final feature documentary, (a 2 hour film condensed from over 300 hours of film), it will take off even further through word of mouth.

Authenticity & Facts: We the people came together to make a documentary in a format that aims to reach the widest audience for greatest impact. Our demographic is substantial this is not a niche film it’s a film that needs to be seen by families, in churches, educators - all educational institutions - students and the general public who want to be educated on how predators thrive - the film is a road map to prevent child abuse in schools for all time.

Open Secret’s Release Drives Exponential Returns

Without doubt, New Hanover County is not the only school system in the country who has experienced or is experiencing similar issues. This is a global crisis demanding attention - we answered the call.

Our film's Director, Kerry David says,

"I gave this film five years of my life because I believe in the advocates who dared greatly against all the odds. I’m AGAINST corruption and collusion, and FOR courage and community."

What's your why?


Click here for Kerry's IMDB Page
